Sign the Petition!

On Tuesday, June 15 the San Francisco Board of Supervisors will consider a one-sided, biased resolution condemning Israel's role in the flotilla incident. We need your help to defeat this resolution, please click here to sign the petition!

Petition text:

"We are truly saddened by the deaths and injuries that occurred during the Gaza flotilla interdiction on one of six boats in the flotilla when Israeli soldiers were attacked upon descending onto the deck. At the same time we strongly believe that the proposed resolution "Freedom Flotilla and Gaza Blockade” (Avalos), does not belong before the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and that the resolution is extremely biased and one-sided in its statements.

The proposed resolution is divisive and pits San Francisco community members against one another on an issue happening thousands of miles away. It also creates a hostile environment for the Jewish community living in San Francisco as it unfairly targets the Jewish State. The Board of Supervisors should be working to unify San Franciscans, not polarize communities from one another.

We ask you to please vote against this biased and divisive resolution"